Teaching is exactly like that. You invest lots of time, energy, and passion today, but you have to trust that the fruits of your labor will flourish sometime in the future. You do the work and you trust there is a benefit in the future.
It’s important that every single day, you keep the faith. Your kids watch you; they read your moods; and they notice what you wear, what you say, and even sometimes what you think! And every single day, every single moment, remember, “On your worst day, you are still someone’s best hope.” You are still their teacher. You—and you alone—are the key to someone learning today.
Also remember that just like your heart is sometimes torn, so are the hearts of your kids. Their hearts are torn by things like mom or dad yelling at them; being late for the bus and having to find away to get to school; another
kid laughing at them because their shirt isn’t the cool one, not getting breakfast; not getting enough sleep because dad and his girlfriend had a fight; having to take care of a two-year old sibling because mom is working two jobs; not getting homework done because there wasn’t time to go to the library after work…. The list is endless. For those students you may be the only person who says they are good at something. You may be the only person who asks, “What do you think”? You may be the only one who asks, “How can I help?” You may be the only person who says, “Great job!” You may be the only one who says, “No, that wasn’t right, but I know you can do it if you try again.”