Dr. Blackburn hosted WRGR: Rigor Made Easy, for a year. I interviewed teachers, teacher-leaders, and school and district leaders on topics related to rigor. Each show is about 8 minutes, and can be streamed or you can subscribe on ITunes.
Second Thoughts: Rethinking Rigor
In this premier episode of Rigor Made Easy, we define what rigor is, what it is not and how to make rigor happen.
Rigor with Special Needs Students
There are many misconceptions about special needs students including conventional thinking around rigor. In this episode we discuss what rigor looks like in a special needs classroom.
Leading with Rigor: How It Looks, Feels, and Spreads
In this segment we talk about the process of leading a learning community toward greater rigorous instruction.
Teaching Strategies: Stepping Up You Game in the Coming School Year
In this segment we begin to think about the coming school year and how we can raise the bar for ourselves and our students.
How We Increased Rigor in a High-Needs School
In this segment we peek under the hood of a high-needs school and explore the processes and techniques they're successfully using to support rigorous instruction.
Complex Text: Setting High Expectations for Students
Our guest shares strategies for increasing the rigor of literacy instruction for all students
Making the Rigor of Math Easy and Fun
Our guest loves math and has developed some creative and enjoyable ways to make solving math problems enjoyable.
How the Best School Counselors Support Rigor from Outside the Classroom
Rigor is not just cultivated by teachers in the classroom. Our guest shares the strategies he uses as a school counselor.
Increasing Rigor at the Early Childhood Level
Increasing rigor in preschool, kindergarten and first grade? Our guest believes that rigor in early childhood education is appropriate and produces positive outcomes.
Rigor for Students in Poverty?
Yes, it's possible to increase rigor for students in poverty...if you understand these key points.