Have you ever said this about a student? I know I did when I was teaching— usually when nothing I did worked with a particular student. But this is never true; we are all motivated by something. When you say this, chances
that you really mean that your student is not motivated by what you want or expect.
Let me explain using two examples. Philip is the class clown who never misses an opportunity to crack a joke. He doesn’t do his homework, and any time you ask him to respond in class, he turns it into an opportunity to perform a comedy routine. From your perspective, he is just a cutup who draws other students away from learning. You have tried to deal with this in a couple of ways, including referring him to the office for misbehavior. You noticed, however, that the next day at lunch, he was entertaining his classmates with the story of his visit to the office. Finally, out of desperation, you have
decided not to call on Philip anymore, to limit his opportunities to act up in class.